Grant Proposal Preparation 101 with NASA SCoPE
Grants of $5k to $20k are available for career and early career scientists (i.e., within 10 years of PhD) working in NASA Science areas. If you are not already familiar with the NASA SciAct program and the SCoPE project, we strongly encourage you to start by watching the webinar linked below.
Grant Proposal Preparation 101 with NASA SCoPE
Watch this webinar designed to help you craft a high-quality proposal for the NASA SCoPE Seed Grant program.
NASA SCoPE Seed Grant Resources
Visit this Google Drive to access the Seed Grant template and other helpful files.
If you intend to apply, we encourage you to submit a Notice of Intent at your earliest convenience and register to attend the webinar.
Grant description
The NASA SCoPE Project at Arizona State University
Part of NASA’s Science Activation 2.0 Education and Community Outreach Program (SciAct), NASA SCoPE offers seed grants to:
- Scientists and engineers using or capturing NASA data, and
- Early career scientists (i.e., Subject Matter Experts, or SMEs)
that collaborate with a SciAct Team to develop or participate in NASA science communication activities.
Early career SMEs (i.e., within 10 years of PhD) are strongly encouraged to apply, but this grant opportunity is open to SMEs at all career levels.
Grant Goals
- Bring together scientists, engineers and SciAct teams to work collaboratively in support of the SciAct teams goals using the SME's expertise in NASA data, science, and missions to bring results of NASA-funded research to the public.
- Provide a conduit for those scientists and engineers to communicate the results of their research and missions to the world.
Funding from these Seed Grants can be used for salary support, production of educational materials, travel to SciAct team meetings for collaboration, and/or travel to present results and/or participate in workshops for future collaborations.
Grant details
Who can apply
- Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or have lawful status of permanent residency.
- Applicants cannot be civil servants.
- Scientists and engineers engaging and publishing (last 5 years) in the fields of Heliophysics, Earth Science, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, and Biological and Physical Sciences.
- Early career scientists (within 10 years of their degree) working with NASA published advisors, NASA data or NASA missions are encouraged to apply.
Eligible scientists working on NASA-supported research, projects, or missions include: Ph.D candidates, post-doctoral scholars, and professionals at all career stages. Others eligible for funding include individuals recognized as experts in their field holding a terminal degree and working with NASA missions or projects.
How the grant works
- Collaboration with a SciAct team is required.
- Grant size is limited to $5,000 - $20,000 per year and will be awarded directly to the proposing applicant. Grants are for 1 year, but reapplication for new work in following years is permitted.
- All awardees will provide monthly status updates to the SCoPE team.
- A Final Report will be due to the NASA SCoPE Team upon completion of your Project. Awardees will also be expected to complete a short evaluation survey.
When to apply
In our final year of funding, all seed grant applications are due February 28 and a rolling deadline until all funding has been distributed.
Notice of Intent Due
Notice of Intent due January 31st.
Application Due
Application cycle closes February 28th, with a rolling deadline until all funding has been awarded.