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BAAS section editor solicitation

Section editor solicitation

NASA SCoPE is soliciting section editors for the upcoming special issues of the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society: Celebrating the Wonder of Science in the Shadow. This is an opportunity to gain experience as a section editor and be listed in the journal for your contributions.

Summer 2024 publication:

May 1 - Article reviews begin (4 weeks allowed to edit each article) - will be rolling as they arrive

August 30 - All articles must be reviewed by this time

Anticipated September 2024 publication

The first issue, published March 2024 can be found at Celebrating the Wonder of Science in the Shadow · Bulletin of the AAS and includes 33 articles celebrating the 2023 annular eclipse and provides lessons learned for future eclipses. The next set of issues, starting in summer of 2024 will include articles from any eclipse, including the April 2024 solar eclipse. 


images of the eclipse or guides and tips for eclipse photography

Informal learning experiences
outreach & public engagement before, during, and after the eclipse

Community science
volunteer scientists in action or results of volunteer science

impact of events and activities before, during, and after the eclipse

Eclipse multimedia
artwork, performances, video

Eclipse science
results from data collected during the eclipse

Professional development
descriptions or models of in-person, virtual, and asynchronous training provided to scientists, educators, amateur astronomers, or volunteers related to the eclipse

Formal learning experiences
descriptions of classroom activities, lessons, and projects (including submissions from classes)

local, regional, & large-scale coordination & movement of people

Personal reflections
stories, poems, or other creative pieces from individuals describing their own journey and experience at the eclipse

Oral histories
recorded interviews of individuals with personal eclipse experiences for the purpose of adding to the historical record

Benefits of participation

Section editors will be grouped together to include an educational communications specialist with a subject matter expert. They will each be asked to collaboratively review and edit 5 to 10 submissions. Submissions will begin and available for review May 1, 2024 and must be completed within 4 weeks of submission. All submissions for the Summer publication are due by August 1, 2024.

Who should be a section editor

NASA SCoPE is seeking applicants* that meet the following criteria

  • U.S. citizens or permanent residents (AKA - green card holders) and
  • Scientists, researcher, or engineers who have received their degree OR PhD candidates (post-qualifying exam).

Not eligible for SCoPE funding and want to serve as a section editor? Complete the interest form.

All applicants must identify with one of these NASA-affiliated categories:

working on a NASA-funded project

working with NASA data in research

working as a member of a NASA mission team

working on science topics that fall within the scope of the NASA's Science Mission Directorate

*Preference will be given to applicants who identify as a member of a historically marginalized group.