Olivia Wilkins, PhD

2022 AGU SciAct Affiliate

Affiliate Bio

Olivia Wilkens Bio Photo

One of my favorite parts of being a scientist is getting to share our marvelous universe with others, whether through community outreach or classroom teaching.

Olivia Wilkins, PhD 2022 Awardee

Olivia Wilkins, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

astronomy icon

Olivia is a NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, where she conducts experiments to understand how stellar UV radiation influences the chemistry of interstellar, cometary, and planetary ices. She also uses radio telescopes (which look like giant satellite dishes) to observe the chemistry in star-forming regions in the Milky Way, something that was the focus of her PhD, which she earned from Caltech. Olivia is passionate about science communication and using art to share science through science illustration and public art. She enjoys traveling with her husband and son and spending time at coffee shops.