Justin Krier

2023 AGU SciAct Affiliate

Affiliate Bio

Justin Krier Bio pic

There are countless voices, ideas, and opinions that are overlooked or not given the chance to develop because academia is often seen as, and is, inaccessible.

Justin Krier 2023 Awardee

Justin Krier

PhD Candidate

University of Oregon

Justin is a PhD Candidate at the University of Oregon. In the Department of Earth Science at U of O, he studies Geophysics with an emphasis on Planetary Science.

​His research at University of Utah, the John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and now at the University of Oregon focuses on planetary interiors and space physics. Justin has a special interest in icy satellites.

​Outside of research, Justin enjoys fishing, hunting, mushroom foraging, rock climbing, playing Dungeons & Dragons and Magic the Gathering, and spending time with his dogs, Diorite and Mako.