Priyanka Bose, PhD Candidate

2022 AGU SciAct Affiliate

Affiliate Bio

Priyanka Bose Bio Photo

Knowing how to adapt my research presentations to different audiences will enable me to raise awareness about Mercury science, so I look forward to learning how to articulate my work better to the general public.

Priyanka Bose 2022 Awardee

Priyanka Bose

PhD Candidate

Virginia Tech University

Priyanka is a Ph.D. Candidate at Virginia Tech, and researches Mercury’s thermochemical evolution using NASA’s MESSENGER mission data. She is building a 1D model to understand Mercury's thermal evolution, and is performing high pressure and temperature experiments to investigate how Mercury’s mantle chemistry evolves as the planet cools. Priyanka thinks researching Mercury is fun, because not much is known, and the predicted conditions for Mercury’s formation were significantly different to Earth. Understanding these different formation conditions provides insight into the materials available as planets formed, and will advance our knowledge about the history of the solar system.